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"I love Children in Iceland! It rings so true to what I saw when I was there: the feeling of the world in which the kids grow up there, surrounded by such beautiful nature, a bit of wildness but also very enfolded into family. Nancy Libson's book is a triumph!"
—Kate Trammell, Professor Emerita of Dance, James Madison University

"If there is such a thing as a carefree, idyllic childhood, it is to be found in the rural countryside of Iceland. We see the joy on the children's faces as they play without a care in the world, where the family is close knit, fathers take their place in the sun, and the environment is the watchful neighbor in an Icelandic tale that is so wonderfully told in the loving, revealing photographs of Nancy Libson."
—David Freese, photographer and author of Iceland Wintertide, winner of the 2022 IPPY Gold Medal for Best Book on Europe, and the award-winning Trilogy of North American Waters: West Coast, East Coast, and Mississippi River

"Nancy Libson's remarkable photographs show the everyday moments of children and families whose lives are uniquely situated within the spare and otherworldly Icelandic landscape. Children in Iceland is unlike any other book about this wonderful country."
—Melissa Ann Pinney, photographer and author of Girl Ascending and In Their Own Light: Photographs from Chicago Public Schools

"Nancy Libson's Children in Iceland is a very lovely book, one that makes me yearn to be back in Iceland. I know that light, those environs, those people—all precious reminders of my experiences there."
—Paula Chamlee, photographer and author of Iceland: A Personal View, Volume 1













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